

Program November 14 – November 18, 2022

Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics - Georgetown University

Note that all talks are 25 mins long + 5 mins for questions

November 14, 2022 Monday

Session I. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics - chairs intro

(0945-1130) EST ;( 0645-0830) PST; (1445-1630) UK; (1545-1730) CET; (2245-0030) Japan

James Freericks and Michael RafailovUltrafast Dynamics Chair Introduction

1. James Freericks, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA

"Theoretical description of time-resolved photoemission in charge density wave materials"

2. Alexander Kemper. North Carolina State University, Raleigh , USA

"Non-equilibrium spectroscopy from the theoretical perspective"

3. Takami Tohyama, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

"Electric pulse driven spin and charge dynamics in Mott insulators"

Break 30 minutes

Session II. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics - chairs intro

(1200-1300) EST ;( 0900-1000) PST; (1700-1800) UK; (1800-1900) CET; (0100-0200) Japan

4. Tobias Brixner, Universität Würzburg, Germany

"Multidimensional spectroscopy of nanostructured systems"

5. Vitaly Gruzdev, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA

"In parallel with photoemission: nonlinear ultrafast electronic effects at semiconductor surfaces"

Break 1 hour

Session III. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1400-1530) EST ;( 1100-1230) PST; (1900-2030) UK; (2000-2130) CET; (0300-0430) Japan

6. Martin Aeschlimann, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

"Towards optical band structure engineering in molecular-based heterostructures"

7. Hrvoje Petek, University of Pittsburgh, USA

"Floquet engineering of ultrafast coherent charge transfer at a metal-molecule interface”

8. Isabella Giertz, University of Regensburg, Germany

"Non-equilibrium carrier and band structure dynamics in graphene – 2D Sn heterostructures"

November 15, 2022 Tuesday

Session IV. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1000-1230) EST ;( 0700-1030) PST; (1500-1730) UK; (1600-1830) CET; (2300-0130) Japan

9. Angel Rubio, Max Planck Institute Structure & Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg Germany

"Polaritonic quantum matter: Cavity materials engineering"

10. Dragan Mihailovic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

"Metastable quantum structures in triangular lattices of transition metal dichalcogenides created by ultrafast laser pulses"

11. Aaron Lindenberg, Stanford University, Menlo Park, USA

"Induction of new phases of matter via non-resonant excitation"

12. MengXing Na, University of British Columbia, Canada

"Evolution of the nonthermal to thermal crossover in pump-probe electron relaxation dynamics"

13. Rocco Vitalone, Dmitry Basov Columbia University, New York, USA

"Ultra-fast nano-optic research of the insulator to metal transition in Ruthernates"

Break 1 hour

Session V. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1330-1500)EST ;( 1030-1200) PST; (1830-2000) UK; (1930-2100) CET; (0230-0400) Japan

14. Ulrich Höfer, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

"Time-resolved momentum microscopy of dark excitons in 2D semiconductors"

15. Philip Hofmann, Aarhus University, Denmark

"Ultrafast X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and photoelectron diffraction"

16. David Reiss, Stanford University, Menlo Park, USA

"Towards atomic-scale imaging attosecond electron motion"

November 16, 2022 Wednesday

Session VI. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1000-1200) EST ;( 0700-0900) PST; (1500-1700) UK; (1600-1800) CET; (2300-0100) Japan

17. Ilias Perakis, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

"Quantum Coherence Tomography of Lightwave–Controlled Superconductivity and Quantum Magnonics"

18. Hubert Ebert, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

"Theoretical investigations on ultra-fast demagnetization using ab-initio and simulation methods"

19. Alexander Gray, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

"Ultrafast THz E-field control of the emergent electronic and magnetic interactions at the CaMnO 3 /LaNiO 3 ferromagnetic interface"

20. Matt Graham, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA

"Optomagneto control of charge multiplication in conjugated carbon-based single crystals"

Break 1 hour

Session VII. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1300-1530) EST ;( 1000-1230) PST; (1800-2030) UK; (1900-2130) CET; (0200-0430) Japan

21. Victor Galitsky, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

"The interplay of topology and strain in correlated materials"

22. Nick Sirica, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

"Symmetry and symmetry breaking in photoexcited topological semimetals"

23. Mariano Trigo Stanford University, Menlo Park, USA

"Collective modes and topological defects of a charge density wave out of equilibrium”.

24. Darius Torchinsky, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

"Surface photogalvanic studies of structurally chiral Weyl semimetals"

25. Andrej Singer, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA

"Femtosecond control of phonon and density wave dynamics near a magnetic order critical point"

November 17, 2022 Thursday

Session VIII. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1000-1200) EST ;( 0700-0900) PST; (1500-1700) UK; (1600-1800) CET; (2300-0100) Japan

26. Uwe Bovensiepen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany/ Japan

"Revealing elementary interactions in transition metals by ultrafast solid state spectroscopy"

27. Kai Rossnagel, Kiel University, Germany

"Toward complete ultrafast soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy"

28. Rolf Binder, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

"Physics of voltage-profile modifications in P-N photodetectors"

29. Kenan Gundogdu, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

"Observation of room temperature superfluorescence and implications for quantum materials"

Break 30min

Session IX. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1230-1330) EST ;( 0930-1030) PST; (1730-1830) UK; (1830-1930) CET; (0130-0230) Japan

30. Andrey Akimov, Nottingham University, UK

"Coherent phonons in van der Waals nanolayers"

31. Pascal Ruello, Le Mans Université, France

"Ultrafast light-induced strain in the prototypal multiferroic material BiFeO3"

Break 1 hour

Session X. Ultrafast Dynamics and Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics

(1430-1630) EST ;( 1130-1330) PST; (1930-2130) UK; (2030-2230)CET; (0330-0530) Japan

32. Chris Smallwood, San José State University,USA

"Coherent optical spectroscopy studies of hidden silicon-vacancy centers in diamond"

33. Fabio Boschini, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Varennes, Canada

"Optical manipulation of Rashba-split 2-dimensional electron gas tracked by TR-ARPES"

34. Anton Husakov, Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany

"Billiard-like resonances and ultrafast nonlinear optics in metallic nanostructures"

35. Olga Fedotova, Minsk University, Belarus

"Femtosecond pulse propagation in nanocomposites with semiconductor quantum dots"

Wrap up and Crete UDM-UBP X Symposium update- 30 minutes

Note that all talks are 25 minutes long + 5 minutes for questions